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Property ownership is often associated with situations on the property claimed by several parties. Such situations are not uncommon in the case when as such acts of ownership of land. As land disputes are, as a rule, the court, in order to defend their rights, it is desirable to enlist the support of land of a lawyer or attorney on the ground. It is the lawyer on land issues. These professionals represent the interests of the parties in proceedings related to the establishment of property rights for a particular plot. And the presence of experienced lawyers in land disputes in pre-trial proceedings or in court is a guarantee of legitimacy and respect for the rights of both parties.
In the field of land relations counsel seeks to provide its customers with a comprehensive set of services aimed at the solution of almost any task and constraints.
Among the clients of the lawyer successfully decided several controversial issues in the field of land tenure is private land users, and the most well-known players in the construction market and investment.
Land disputes are a special category of cases which is characterized by certain features. It disputes, the decision of conflicts, disputes arising from the violation of the right of ownership and/or rights to use land, and land acquisition or withdrawal of land arising between land owners and land users, other persons, local authorities and public bodies carrying out land administration.
Lawyer on land issues
• Representation of Your interests in the land court by a lawyer, law enforcement and other government agencies
• The definition of The use of land and building on it
• Disputes about the "imposition" of the boundaries of one area to another area
• Disputes on technical documentation during the transfer of the ownership or use of land
• The section of land and the buildings on it between the former spouses
• Restoration of land boundaries
• Recognition of transactions with land and buildings on it invalid
• Privatization of land, including the dimensions on actual use
• Pledge of land
• Provision of land plots for private farming
• Failure of local governments to provide land
• Consultations on issues of land rights
• Preparation of tender documents
• Preparation of materials to appeal to the local authorities to provide land
• Appeal against actions, omissions and failure of authorities to provide land
• Recognition of the right of ownership of the land
• Disputes on the execution of the lease land, including changes in the size of the lease
• The transfer of land from one category to another
• Permitted use of land plots
• Pledge of land and rights to land plots
• Disputes arising in relation to the land on which the construction, reconstruction of objects of real estate
1. How to execute an easement for convenient access to your site.
2. How to save the station in the event of improper grip.
3. How to prepare legal documents properly.
4. How to pick up a neighbor of his land assigned to them by lawlessness.
5. How to recognize the right of ownership of the land.
6. How to recognize the right of ownership structure on the land.
7. How to oblige the administration and others to sell land for a ransom.
8. How to execute the plot properly. etc.
The lawyer for land disputes to help resolve disputes and conflicts arising in connection with the violation of the rights of owners or users of land. Most land disputes often involve a violation of the rules of good neighborliness and land servitudes (usufruct), the seizure of foreign territories, determining land use, improper registration and recognition of land ownership, land use, misuse, intentional or reckless damage to land users and land owners.
And so, consultation of the lawyer and the lawyer on the ground will help You to understand the situation, to understand the prospects, risks and dangers by land, and also to understand how to avoid possible negative consequences.
Land disputes, you can use the services of a specialist, a lawyer, as they say, "on the ground". The successful implementation of the activities of specialists involved in settlement of land disputes, ensures a thorough knowledge of the provisions of the Civil and Land codes. But no less important for land lawyer is having practical experience in handling such cases. In particular, knowledge of precedents on the basis of which can be rendered any decision.
When you need a lawyer for land matters and disputes? When there are disputes over rights of land ownership, definition of boundaries, restrictions on rights of use, violation of borders of land holdings, etc.
A lawyer for controversial land cases is needed because, in such cases, the defendant often serve public or administrative bodies. And citizens it is often difficult to argue with them on equal terms.
The lawyer for land disputes, assists the court on the ground. Clients land lawyer can be sure that the lawyer on the ground every effort will be made to land disputes was carried out with observance of norms of the land law.
Land law, one of the most complicated branches of law. The proceedings regarding the ownership, management and land use — the most common types of cases that are dealt with in the courts.
Land services: legal services – one of the longest. To provide such services within one day and even month – almost unreal. Most often it is due to the fact that land services have certain registration actions, which is the prerogative of the public service of the state registration. The state registration are clearly defined by law and practice and have a specific time frame, on a whim tolerated by the bodies of state registration of the maximum limit values. Given these factors comes to mind is the correct conclusion: land services needs to be not just specialists, and lawyers on land law, with extensive theoretical knowledge and extensive experience in this field.
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